Thursday, March 30, 2006

March/April Update

Just got back from our week and a half tour with the boys (and girl) from the Lyrics Born crew. Florida, Utah, Colorado, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, California. We had only 1 day off, and that was a full driving day. We hit every kind of weather from snow and hail, and even what seemed like the middle of a tornado! The van was shaking- everything went brown (Visibility of about 2 in.) and debris was hurling by us at high velocity. Turns out it was a cold front causing severe thunder storms, but it was literally night and day when we drove into it- no rain, just a wall or mountain of winds and crap. I thought we were gonna flip.

I had my studio with me on the road too- for hotel room tracking. That is when I wasn't trying to get out and ski! (Breckenridge was awesome!)

Now on our week back, there's a drive out gig to Casper, CA, up north. Tomorrow night we have a gig with our keyboardist Kev Choice in Oakland. Saturday night is a Flametal show in San Jose (at the Blank Club). Then a few other gigs around town.

The rest of the month is pretty mellow. Lyrics Born will be playing on the 29th at Cochella. Now that's a big ass festival (Madonna's even on the bill) that I'd love to play, but can't. I'll be in rehearsals again with Whitesnake in LA. Oh well- you can't play 'em all, I guess. We leave to Japan the following week.

That's all for now. Who reads this shit anyways.